I’m not a Javascript developer, and more than once I’ve got confused over the notation. This is a series of notes I took after watching the Jim Cooper lectures on PluralSight to clarify things.

A brief run down of the many syntaxes:

Option 1 - Object literals, upfront

var dog = {
    name: "Bruno", 
    size: "small",
    speak: function() {

Option 2 - Object literals, in hindsight

var dog = {};
dog.name = "Bruno", 
dog.size = "small",
dog.speak = function() {

Option 3

function Dog(name, size) {
    this.name = name;
    this.size = size;
    this.speak = function() {
var dog = new Dog("Bruno", "small");

Option 4 - ECMAScript

class Dog() {
    constructor(name, size) {
        this.name = name;
        this.size = size;

    speak() {

var dog = new Dog("Bruno", "small");

The different syntaxes for creating Objects are all syntactical sugar for the following:

var dog = Object.create(Object.prototype, 
    name: {
        value: "Bruno",
        enumerable: true,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true
    size: {
        value: "small",
        enumerable: true,
        writable: true,
        configurable: true

You can see the keys writable, enumerable and configurable here. What do they all mean?


This determines whether you can change the property. Consider the following:

'use strict'
var cat = {
    name: {first: 'fluffy', last: 'queen'},
    color: 'white'
Object.defineProperty(cat, 'color', {writable: 'false'});
cat.color = 'red'; // Error!
console.log(cat.color);  // white

Because we set the cat.color property to writable = false, we’ve fixed the pointer the property is pointing to. Be aware that this won’t throw an error unless you have 'use strict at the top. That also means that the following will work:

'use strict'
var cat = {
    name: {first: 'fluffy', last: 'queen'},
    color: 'white'
Object.defineProperty(cat, 'name', {writable: 'false'});
cat.name.first = 'mac';
console.log(cat.name.first);  // mac

Why did this work? We’ve fixed the pointer for cat.name, but that doesn’t automatically mean we’ve fixed the values within that. If you want the whole object to be readonly:

'use strict'
var cat = {
    name: {first: 'fluffy', last: 'queen'},
    color: 'white'
Object.defineProperty(cat, 'name', {writable: 'false'});
cat.name.first = 'mac'; // Error!
console.log(cat.name.first);  // fluffy


When set to true, this allows the property to:

  • show up in for loops
  • show up in the object keys
  • be serialised into json
'use strict'
var cat = {
    name: {first: 'fluffy', last: 'queen'},
    color: 'white'

Object.defineProperty(cat, 'name', {enumerable: 'false'});
console.log(Object.keys(cat)); // color: white
console.log(JSON.stringify(cat)); // {"color": "white"}

Note: when enumerable is set to false, you can still access the property, but only if you know to look for it directly.


When set to false, this stops:

  • the enumerable property from being changed.
  • the configurable property from being changed back to true.
  • any property from being deleted. However you can still change the writable property to true/false.

Getters and setters

An example:

var cat = {
    name: {
        first: "Fluffy", "last": "Queen"
    color: "White"

Object.defineProperty(cat, 'fullName',
        get: function() {
            return this.name.first + " " + this.name.last;
        set: function(value) {
            var nameParts = value.split(" ");
            this.name.first = nameParts[0];
            this.name.last = nameParts[1];

cat.fullName = "Muffin top"; // this is calling 'set("Muffin top")'
console.log(cat.fullName); // "Muffin top"
console.log(cat.name.first); // "Muffin"
console.log(cat.name.last); // "top"
